Case Study


Intuitive app for farmer’s markets, produce, and recipes.

Project Overview

My Role


Usability Testing

User Flow



Problem Statement and Challenges


30-40% of food supply goes to waste

I used to work as a farmer and have learned that many customers didn’t know how to use all the produce we would sell. A lot of the food we sold would go to waste.


Source. is an app that helps users discover farmers markets in their areas. It also educates users on how to store, prepare, and use different types of produce while proposing recipes as a way reduce food waste. 

Design Process





User Interviews

Secondary Research

Competitive Analysis

User Flow

User Persona



Mood Board

User Testing


User Testing


I wanted to understand how people shop at farmer’s markets. I conducted user interviews.

Qualitative Data

Learn how people use produce they purchase at farmers markets or through CSAs (community supported agriculture)

Learn the practices and habits around discarding produce

To understand their habits for buying and eating locally grown food from farmers markets


Affinity Mapping

By organizing my findings in an affinity map I was able to group similar themes my interviewees shared. I learned that there was a connection between the habits, use, and waste of produce.


People wanted different recipe options with a new/familiar ingredient.

People wanted to know more about the vendors and their products before attending markets.

People lacked skills around how to store and preserve items.

User Persona

I wanted to create simple and motivating user stories. Crafting Sam’s user persona allowed me to empathize with users and support a clear direction for the user flow.

User Flow

Sam’s journey became clear once I understood his pain points. He wants to know what is available at farmer’s markets before he attends them. Mapping out his journey we can see what path Sam needs to take in order to learn about different produce sold at the market and ways to use the produce.

Competitive Analysis

There were no digital products in the urban agricultural market that offered solutions for shopping at farmer’s markets. I looked into apps that offered similar services that could support in Sam’s journey of locating markets, identifying different produce, and learning how to cook with them.


Market profile page


Discover Flow

Identify Flow

Discover Markets


Info about produce


Interactive Map

Market Page

Guerrilla Usability Testing

After testing with 5 participants, people did not understand the purpose of the app. It didn’t make sense for the home page to have a section for discovering produce. Instead it needed to focus on where to find markets. This allowed users to find produce at a market they want to attend.

Discovering markets and produce was unclear.

Simplifying the page allows users to search for markets that carry produce they are looking for.

Wireframes helped to conceptualize design choices. I gained insight by conducting Usability Testing with the wireframes.

Color Palette

Source. brand evokes familiarity, comfort, ease. I chose these colors to allow the images to stand out and provide a cozy experience.



Raisin Black






Colors Meet WGAC Standards

Mood Board

Final Prototype

Project Learnings

People want to reduce waste if given the right tools and knowledge.

A simplified app means users have more time to learn new skills.

Users can learn about each vender and what they have to offer.

Users can toggle between information about a particular item.

Users can find the best recipes to satisfy their flavor palate.

An interactive map makes it easy to discover farmers’ markets in the area.