Case Study

Salli, events app

Project Overview

I was given 90 hours to create and validate my designs. The goal was to increase the conversion of accepted invites to event attendees.

User Persona

UI/UX Design


Usability Testing

User Flow

My Role


Problem Statement and Challenges



Event goers will use apps to find and sign up for different events. Most people want to attend events, however they lack incentive to follow through with attending, so they end up canceling last minute.

Salli app gives users confidence to attend events by providing details about the culture and environment of events, integrating reminders with calendars they use daily, and by providing a retainment fee that supports the event’s organizers if they don’t attend. 

Design Process





User Surveys

Product Research

User Persona

User Flow


Style Guide

User Testing


User Testing

User Surveys

Surveying 10 participants gave me insights about their motivations and lack of motivation for attending events. 

People want to experience something new or something that celebrates a different culture.

60% feel anxious in large crowds. Knowing that there will be quiet spaces, or sensory spaces where people can regain energy contributes to whether or not someone will attend a larger event.

50% of participants said the most common reason they would cancel an event is because they lacked the energy to go. Participants also forget or double book themselves. 


Accessibility needs

Problems with attendance

User Persona

Sarah is introverted, community oriented, and likes feeling prepared. Keeping Sarah in mind I was able to create incentives and information she would find useful in Salli. 

User Journey

There were two main user flows that would allow Sarah to find and confidently sign up for events. The first flow; Sarah can learn information about the events and partake in a discussion about a particular event. The second flow, where Sarah registers for the event, she can get reminders directly from the app or integrate them with google calendars.  

Home to event page flow

Registration flow


I used wireframes to test my designs and flesh out my ideas.

Users want to know if their friends are attending the event

Users pay a retainment fee for free events to incentivize their attendance

Users feel comfortable paying a retainment fee knowing they will be reimbursed when they attend the event, or that it will go to the organizers if they don’t

A page that lists the mutual friends attending the event.





UI Design

After validating my wireframes I built a design system that met the brand’s attributes of being caring, familiar, humorous, and optimistic.

Designing high fidelity prototypes helped me to conduct usability tests. These are a few screens from a mock up of the onboarding process.


Aviner Next is an interesting and legible font that stands apart from other event search apps.

Choosing purple and pink for the primary colors is warm and evokes compassion and unconditional love. Having a gradient gives more interest and merges a cooler color like the purple I chose, which inspires familiarity, and the pink color I chose which represents caring and compassion.  

I chose cute and simply lined icons, to keep users' sense of humor engaged, and to locate information easily. 

Usability Testing

I wanted to learn if the app was intuitive and met the users needs to find information about an event that would give them incentive to attend.

I prioritized the main issues in order to reiterate a design that matched what users were needing. I learned that:

People want information about what to wear and if they will be fed.

People want to know more about the organizer so they know what event they are getting themselves into.

People want more of an integration with this app and their personal calendars.

Final Design

I wanted to learn if the app was intuitive and met the users needs to find information about an event that would give them incentive to attend.

Users can filter what type of events they want to attend

Knowing about the culture of the event helps users feel safe going

Users can learn about the event’s organizer and communicate with them directly

Users can also communicate on the events page to get more information from the organizer or from other event goers

Users can plan accordingly, knowing what to wear or if there will be food

Users will never forget an event because they can opt in for reminders that are sent directly to their calendar

Key Takeaways

Users are energized to go to events where they feel safe, and know what to expect

Predictability allows users to make confident choices 

Scaling back prevents confusion